Debug frozen Fish shell history Dec 2, 2016 | debug Debug frozen Fish shell history If you’re reading that article right now, I assume you’re already using fish as I do. This is really a great tool despite that it...
Mocking Mongo in Golang Oct 22, 2016 | golang Mocking Mongo in Golang People coming from non-statically typed languages might be lost when it comes to mocking things in Golang. This is especially true if you come to Go...
Deploying from Travis-CI to Google Container Engine Oct 12, 2016 | ci Deploying from Travis-CI to Google Container Engine Travis-ci is a great CI tool. In comparison to other solutions, it has the advantage of being free for Open Source projects and...
Welcome to Cabu ! Jan 6, 2016 | open-source Today, I decided to open source Cabu, my first Open Source project. It’s a framework to create crawler as microservices. Why another crawling framework in Python ? It’s been a...