Today, I decided to open source Cabu, my first Open Source project. It’s a framework to create crawler as microservices.

Why another crawling framework in Python ?

It’s been a while, that I was creating crawlers associated with schedulers hosted on AWS. As many developers, I faced the lack of features of some actual crawling projects, the time consuming configuration of Selenium webdrivers (particularly when you want to use it headless), the lack of modern apps architecture in some scraping projects, etc. I thought that maybe releasing the architecture I’m using must be interesting for some Pythonistas.

So after few weeks refactoring the stack, ensuring that the codebase is well tested and writing documentation, It’s finally ready to be shown to the world ! There is a lot of things still to do but already enough to play around and avoid you some headaches in the world of crawling :-)

How does it work ?

After installing the Python package using pip and a Selenium web driver, you can create in a matter of seconds a crawler like in this example :

def gizmodo_last_articles():
    articles_links = [
        i.get_attribute('href') for i in app.webdriver.find_elements_by_css_selector('h1.headline>a')
    return jsonify({'articles': articles_links})
#=> http

And that’s it ! There are already a bunch of features and lot more to come. Actually, I’m already using some of the future features, but I want to release them once I’m sure it’s ready to be open sourced (Better be safe than sorry). They are listed on the changelog page of the documentation.

Thanks to Sofia and Trisha for the patience to have a look to the documentation and fixing my english. Thanks to Maréva for the beautiful illustration of the robot.

I hope it will be useful to you. Feel free to create pull-requests and make any improvements suggestions.
